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Colcircuitos Anniversary, Electronic Manufacturing!

By Viviana Echavarria, Production Leader

I saw this company born long before it was founded. When I was in the heart of one of its founders, in their longings. Since that moment I was already part of this beautiful adventure that today turns 19 years old.

I saw it born with scarce resources and few people, but always looking for the best way to do things, innovating from the beginning, creating processes. Delivering the best of themselves to offer to the companies in the country a product that responded to the absence of quality Circuits.

I saw it grow towards what we call Electronic Integration, seeking to provide added value in the assembly and supply of components, and also, not remaining with what is easy, but being daring and offering a final product, with all the challenges that it has to include harnesses, casings, end coupling. Everything so that that company, that entrepreneur who is also making his own product, has an ally that supports him and that makes it possible to have his electronic device completely finished.

And now I see it maturing. Making a company in Colombia is not simple, especially in times of pandemic or strikes. But we have been able to get ahead and today we count with more than 300 clients, we produce more than 20 projects at the same time, we deliver around 5 different projects completely finished or “turnkey” as it is known, we deliver more than 33,000 units of assembled devices per month. This only in the world of Electronic Integration.

But more and more we position ourselves in the world of Membrane Keypads, reaching large food companies for our quality and support.

And we continue to serve the Printed circuitsbusiness in both small and large volumes, developing methodologies and processes to quote and produce in the shortest possible time.

We received these 19 years rethinking our business at a financial level to have strategies that allow us sustainability.

And also, we are getting stronger every day with the Allied companies that are joining the ecosystem, to offer an increasingly complete and holistic value proposal.

In all this process there is something that remains from the beginning: wanting to do things well and incidentally offer a place where people could have a decent job, that makes them grow as people and as professionals.

So proud to celebrate another anniversary by keeping ourselves in the electronic market and laying more foundations to continue growing, electronics made with the heart!

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